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Ways to Change the Battery in a Computer

Computer has battery or a special chip which retains computer (CMOS) settings and also runs the computer lock even after the computer itself is turned off. When you have to reset the date and the time on the computer every time you start it, you will need to replace the battery of your computer. This procedure is applied to IBM-compatible computers which have a replaceable battery or the connector for the space battery. At this time, this article is going to deliver several tips to change the battery in a computer.

Steps in Changing the Battery in a Computer
Step 1: Record the settings of the current CMOS first. Then, you should turn on or restart the computer. When the computer settings are displayed on the screen, you have to press the Pause key or the Break key in a way to freeze the computer display.

Step 2: Press the Print Screen key for printing the display, or just write the settings on paper. You should keep this information in case you are losing the settings of your computer.

Step 3: Turn off your computer and unplug it. After that, you should remove the cover.

Step 4: Record the battery type which is currently installed, but do not remove it. The lithium or the alkaline batteries are in the holders attached to the motherboard. The built-in batteries are then soldered onto the motherboard, but the connector must be available for the space battery. In this step, you have to note the type of the connector.

Step 5: Buy a replacement battery.

Step 6: Remove your existing battery and then replace it with new battery in exactly the same configuration. Spare batteries with the connector usually fit one way only, but you should check the computer documentation.

Step 7: You should replace the computer cover, then plug in the power cord, and start the computer. Now you can reset the date and time of your computer.

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