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Five Tips To Secure Your Joomla Website

Websites nowadays are more vulnerable to web hackers. Many web security experts identifies an increasing of overall hacking this last year for almost 600%. Almost all content management system (CMS) software and public web platform are more prone to hacking. However many web experts are continuing to develop a tool to fight against hacker. Joomla developers and programmers are one of the most successful in providing web security service to protect your website. In this post i will give you some tips on how to secure your Joomla website.

1. When you choose to build any Joomla site you need to consider a good maintenance plan and it can cost some money. Most hacker using a third party extensions and look for vulnerabilities to hack your site, so make sure your Joomla core components and extensions are using the latest security patch.

2. When you are a joomla web designer i would recommend you to work with professional components. The people and economics behind this code is real and plays into success of these components. However make sure that you removed any unused components in your system. This can also reduce the options for hackers to enter your site.

3. Very secure password doesn't mean that your site is secure to hackers. In fact, password can be easily hack by the use of many tools like Brute Force Tools and Password Crackers Tools so dont rely on them. Hackers have dictionaries of common password and key combination that is possible to hack any password. So use only password that is hard to hack by using a combination of numbers, different symbols and letters and also make use of uppercase and lowercase combination. Change your password every month is a very good idea it can prevent threats for hacking your website.

4. Joomla developers are created a components named 'Securelive" it is only available for Joomla and so far this components are doing a great job. There are also securiry monitoring services options available for use. Most of the time these services are provided by your internet service provider or ISP.

5. Always make a backup of everything and do it in a regular basis. Making a backup can give you much better security. when your things get lost you can restore it by means of backup and also serves as a guard against human failure.

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