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How to get rid of the Trojan Virus in your Computer

When it comes to computer security the Trojan horse is a formidable virus that attaches itself to normal files, breaches security and enters the computer whenever the user downloads anything from the internet. Its presence is completely hidden from the user, as it functions invisibly to infect the files one by one. Moreover, it can also read personal information such as the credit card number and allow other malicious users to view them. Because such a dangerous virus exists, it is imperative for you to know the means to get rid of it.

When it comes to the Trojan virus, and you are thinking about security a little prevention is always better than a mass cure. If you are a cautious user and extremely careful about what you download, getting your files from friends and trusted sources, you will never need to know how to get rid of the Trojan virus. You don't want to have to worry about how to get rid of Trojan Horse virus, because that means you're already in a fair amount of trouble.

Signs that indicates the presence of a Trojan virus in your Computer:
  • Machine becomes extremely slow.
  • Unknown messages on your desktop.
  • Windows firewall turned off automatically.
  • Pop-ups appear endlessly.
  • Home-page changed automatically.
  • Unknown applications in Add/remove program.
  • Unusual icons on your system tray or desktop.
  • Memory is much less than the original capacity.
  • Unknown favorites in favorite tab.
  • Alteration in desktop properties.
The best way to get rid of the Trojan virus is to perform a complete re-installation and thorough cleaning of your hard drive. Though this process is long and tedious,it is one of the authentic way to get rid of the Trojan horse virus for good. Still if you are curious to know about some other ways to remove this nasty virus, you will be pleased to know that this is not the only option available to you.

There are several anti-virus software available in the market that will attack the Trojan Horse and deal with it. But there is a catch to it, you will have to find software's that specifically mentions the name Trojan horse among their primary eliminator. Not all softwares are able to remove Trojan horse, so be extremely careful about what you use.There is also anti-Trojan softwares present that particularly deals with Trojan horse,And in most cases it is this type of software you want to use. Once you know how to Remove the Trojan horse virus, you will be able to clean your computer and be more cautious about what downloads you receive in the future.

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