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How to Speed Up your Computer

Are you tired using a slow computer?. Before you try throwing your personal computer into the trash can, try the following to speed up Windows:

Get a Registry Cleaner- There is a lot of software to speed up Windows. Registry Cleaners, for instance takes care of the registry files that your computer frequently generates and preserves. Because of Registry Cleaners you have the alternative of saving only the registry files that are often in use by your PC. While these files are relatively small, they in general eat up bigger space after a while. IMPORTANT: Always make sure you back up your registry files before making any changes.

Use boot defragment- To decrease the time your computer takes to boot, you can employ boot defragment. This command allows you to place files needed for booting next to each other, thus lessening the time your computer needs for locating them. Access Start Menu then load RUN. Type Regedit then press enter. Type in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction. Select its Enable option, right it on and select Modify. Then, alter the value to UY to enable. Then, start your PC again.

Modify the time of loading programs- If your programs for a very long time, you can modify its loading option. Right-click on the icon of the program. Click Properties. Choose target box then add /prefetch:1 at the end of its line. Click OK. Restart your PC for the best results.

Do not enable System Restore: Speed up in Windows is easy to attain by means of basic knowledge. Turning off your computers System Restore is one of the many steps you can speed up your PC easily. System Restore eats up substantial memory in your personal computer, hence eating up space that may be utilized by more important applications. In the Control Panel, click on Performance and Maintenance menu. Then choose System and access System Restore. Mark the Turn off System Restore on All Drives and click OK. 

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