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Steps to solve Joomla Internal Server Error (Error 500)

If you have just recently performed an upgrade of your current Joomla setup, and now get an error that shows "Internal Server Error 500" when you browse your website. You are in the right blog where you can get a possible solution for your problem.

A Fresh intallation of Joomla includes a file name called ".htaccess, which is located in the main directory folder of your current joomla installation. This file contains certain configuration settings, and your current web server configuration may get a conflict with your new settings. The results of this conflict is you may get an Internal Server Error displayed when you try to view your website.

However you can quickly notice if .htaccess file can cause this error by renaming it to .htaccess or disable it. Now you know what can cause the problem and youre looking for a solution. It must be one of the directives within the .htaccess file, so you need to find which one can cause the error by removing it or put a comment.

3 Steps to solve Joomla Errors Shows Error 500
Step 1. Open the .htaccess file with a text editor. You can edit it with the use of file manager, click Site Management then go to File Manager located on your web hosting control panel. Look for the following line of codes "Options +FollowSymLinks

Step 2. Now you can put a # sign in front of it, so it would look like this. #Options +FollowSymLinks. FollowSymLinks are enabled by default.

Step 3. You dont need to cripple your Joomla installation all you have to do is disable this directive. This should fix the Internal Server Error 500 problem. If is not solve yet try commenting other directives until you find the one that cause the problem. you can also look for the following, maybe it would cause problems. phpflag, ExecCGI, Options , Includes, FollowSymLinks.

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