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Four Easy Steps in Designing Joomla Website

Joomla is one of the most easiest content management system to use especially for beginners. Many Joomla developers said that designing a Joomla website can be difficult for the beginners and try to overcomplicate the process. If you are planning to build your own website, all you need to do is to follow this five simple steps.

Step 1. You need to install Joomla first in your website. The most common way to do this is to use Fantastico it is located in your hosting account control panel. It only takes about 3 minutes to complete the installation.

Step 2. Now you successfully intall Joomla on your site. The next step is to configure it by login to your Joomla administrator area. Once you succesfully login with your account, click the Site tab located on the left side and then you must see the Global Configuration link. Then you need to follow the instruction to setup your Joomla site and provide the required information. This process may take about 10 minutes to complete.

Step 3. Create content for your Joomla site. You can do this in the content section and also create categories to organize your content. Next create your Joomla Menus it is divided into categories. Now each menu willhave a menu items. creating a menu make your site easy to navigate.

Step 4. Customize and modify the current looks of your website. Other way of customizing it is through template you can change your template whatever you want. You can also modify your current installed template and also add modules, components, and plugins to make your site looks good.

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